
Cert lll in Individual Support – Disability & Ageing

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CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support

Registered Training Organisation No. 3730

Here is your opportunity to gain the skills and qualifications needed to work in one of the fastest growing industries in Australia. This course is a pathway to employment as a support worker in home and community care settings, potentially under the NDIS or in the Aged Care industry.

The Care industry requires you to be knowledgeable within a wide range of specialised areas.  This course, using a combination of theory and practical teaching; in the classroom, through online modules and supported practical placement, will provide you with a range of new skills.

Learn how to responsibly provide, social, physical and emotional support, learn foundational competences and grow your knowledge in the Care industry.  Obtain the qualifications needed to work with individuals, to support their independence and wellbeing, in their homes or in community settings.

If you enjoy helping people, turn your compassionate nature and people skills into a career caring for individuals.  This nationally accredited course provides training for skills and qualifications to equip you to provide supports to people in their homes, the community and in residential care settings.

The course is also ideal for you, if you simply want to know how to best look after someone with a disability you care about or elderly grandparents or to care for parents when they get older.

Either way, the Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability and Ageing) course will help you achieve your goals.

Gain this qualification and you will make real differences to the lives of those your care for.


Unfunded: $7775

Funded: $776

Concession: $174

Fees include a Tuition fee of $0.40 per SCH, Materials and Amenities fee of $494 for funded students and $118 for concession.

The student tuition fees are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment.


Key Information

For more information, or to make an enquiry regarding this course, please call us on 5772 1238.

Providing nationally recognised certificate courses and other services to the Alexandra community.

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