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Murrindindi Pathway for Carers


September 30, 2022 @ 9:45 am - 11:00 am


30 Sep 2022

9:45 am


This is currently: Confirmed


Rotary Park

Rotary Park
Alexandra, Victoria 3714 Australia

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Murrindindi Pathway for Carers


Do you care for someone with a disability or mental illness or an elderly person in Murrindindi?

Come along to connect with other carers and spend time outdoors for a gentle stroll through the park. Complimentary morning tea with guest speaker during and after the walk at the park (or other location, weather dependent).


For questions about the Murrindindi Shire Pathways for Carers walk, including how you can support the walk, contact the Lead Carer, Anthea on 0418 402 455.

For more information, visit the Carer Friendly Places website.



To register, contact our office directly via the details below.

For More Information

Interchange Outer East

03 9758 5522



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