
Reconnect Program

You are here: Reconnect Program

Reconnect is a program offering support for those seeking to re-engage with training and employment. The program assists participants to connect with education, training, and preparation for the workforce.

The Reconnect program offers support to eligible people by:

  • Providing access to pre-accredited and accredited courses
  • Provision of ongoing study support and guidance
  • Providing referrals to external support services such as mental health, crisis and housing as wrap-around service delivery
  • Identifying employment needs and goals and facilitate employment opportunities with industry partners

Reconnect is designed to support the significant number of Victorians experiencing multiple barriers to engaging in education and training by providing the supported pathways many learners need to succeed and break the cycle of disadvantage.


To meet eligibility for the Reconnect program you will meet at least one of the following criteria:

    Young people aged between 17-19 years not engaged in education or training for six months or more (less than 8 hours per week).
    Mature participants aged between 20-64 years; unemployed for six months or less (less than 8 hours per week) and not engaged in education or training for six months or more (less than 8 hours per week).
    Aged between 17-64 years: a person that has a current or prevous experience with Child Protection.
    Who are the holders of Bridging Visa Class e (BVE); Safe Haven Enterprise Visa (SHEV) or Temporary Protection Visa (TPV).

Exemptions may be available for those who do not fit the criteria above.

Key Information

Take a moment to read the following:


  • Date

    Each Monday and Thursday from 9:30am-3pm

  • Organizer

    Pines Learning and Alexandra Community Hub

  • Cost

    Free, contact Ange to secure your preferred time.

  • Phone

    Reconnect Program Case Worker
    Ange Mansson 0403 986 454

  • Venue

    Face-to-face at Alexandra Community Hub 38A Downey Street Alexandra Vic 3714

Providing nationally recognised certificate courses and other services to the Alexandra community.

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03 5772 1238

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